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Free Choice Ungraded Eggs


These fresh eggs have dark golden yolks that stand up high, and whites that stay together when poached or fried. Outstanding flavor and a wonderful addition to baked goods.These hens choose their feed based on their seasonal needs as they forage between compost piles and pasture​.These eggs may be fertile because these farms keep roosters in their flock. There is no taste or proven nutritional difference, and since they are harvested daily there is no chance they will develop.
Our Current Suppliers: Vermont Compost Company, Dog River Farm, Black Dirt Farm and Perfect Circle Farm

Storage Tips

Store in the refrigerator.

From our customers

May 18, 2021 by

I'm really shocked I haven't already reviewed these eggs. We LOVE them! I've tried lots of different farmers' market eggs, but the quality of these is superior. We don't bother with other eggs now, even if they are cheaper. We usually have at least two dozen in the fridge because I refuse to buy eggs anywhere else if I run out.

Meal Suggestions

Our Farms, Middlesex, VT

These eggs are laid by hens who spend their days outside digging and scratching for a good part of their sustenance. While they are fed grain, these hens also get a very healthy diet of food scraps, bugs and barnyard bedding. While these eggs are not certified organic, these hens do not receive synthetic supplements or medicated feed, and they forage outside all year long.