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A Farmer's Perspective

Fruit Nostalgia

Blonde child eating an apple in an orchard on a sunny, fall day Blonde child eating an apple in an orchard on a sunny, fall day

Fruit Nostalgia

Greg Georgaklis
September 8, 2023

Am I being silly and just remembering with a sense of nostalgia, or is there something to this? When my daughter and grandson recently visited me here in Vermont from their home state of Washington, she remarked on how poor the quality of the fruit at the supermarkets here in New England was compared to in her home state. Later, when I went to visit them, my suspicions were confirmed. The apricots, peaches and citrus in Washington State were amazing (and yes, their juices were indeed running down my face). Those fruits were grown in Washington and stayed in Washington. It wasn’t the climate or a case of better farming practices, it was the fact that the fruit was local. Something gets lost in transport bringing West Coast produce to New England grocers.

Happy Pigs, Healthy Planet

A team of pigs walking toward the camera in a grassy and sparsely treed area with cows in the background A team of pigs walking toward the camera in a grassy and sparsely treed area with cows in the background

Happy Pigs, Healthy Planet

Greg Georgaklis
August 25, 2023

Did you know the pork we sell has a triple bottom-line? Our vendors ensure their practices are good for people, the planet and the pigs themselves.⁠ Learn how vastly different our pork is from the industrially raised meat you find at the supermarket.