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Oak Knoll Goat Milk

Oak Knoll Dairy Goat Milk is produced by Bridgman Hill Farm, a new partnership between renowned cheesemakers Jasper Hill Farm and career goat farmers Ryan Andrus and Annie Rowden. This milk is pasteurized through a high-temperature short-time pasteurizer (HTST) at 165 degrees. Their state-of-the-art system ensures the safest, best tasting product with the highest level of nutritional retention. You can use goat milk just like whole cow's milk, so pour it over cereal or granola or try it in your coffee!

100% goat milk
Storage Tips

Keep refrigerated. Use within 2 weeks or by date on bottom of bottle.

Cellars at Jasper Hill, Greensboro, VT

Oak Knoll Dairy leverages a shared independent spirit and commitment to progressive farming practices to support their rural community and landscape. High animal care standards, a modern milking parlor, and meticulous practices, come together for pure, unprocessed products that naturally reflect a taste of place. The carefully managed herd of several hundred goats consists of three man breeds: saanen, alpine and lamancha. These traditional breeds perform well in a dairy environment, producing a balanced and versatile milk that is good for cheesemaking, yogurt production and bottling. Goats are fed a dry hay-based mixed ration that consists of New England grasses, blended with a carefully balanced grain pellet along with some hemp and molasses for palatability.

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