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Turmeric Sunrise Kombucha

Bright and warming from the turmeric, this is a wonderful seasonal kombucha.

Organic Kombucha, Apple Cider, Organic Turmeric Juice, Organic Lemon Juice, Organic Vanilla Extract, Sea Salt, Organic Cayenne Pepper, Organic Pink Peppercorn
Storage Tips

Keep refrigerated.

Aqua ViTea, Middlebury, VT

Aqua ViTea's Kombucha is not sweet, but very drinkable. These are pint bottles that easily serve two.
Kombucha is a fermented beverage made simply from tea, sugar, water, and a symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast (scoby). Known commonly as an ancient elixir, it has been revered for centuries for its life enhancing qualities.
Aqua ViTea's Kombucha brewery is located in Middlebury, VT. They brew in small batches using Green Mountain spring water, organic and fair-trade green and black tea, organic cane juice and superior leach-free fermenting vessels. The process begins with a very strong and sweet batch of tea. The brew is cooled and moved to the fermenting vessel where the Kombucha culture is added. After some time has passed and the culture has begun to transform the sweet tea into the ancient elixir, they begin to closely monitor the brew. Fermentation is stopped when the brew has reached the perfect balance of taste and medicinal value.
Are you curious how Aqua ViTea controls the alcohol content of their kombucha? They are dedicated to providing high quality, non-alcoholic kombucha and have invested in specialized equipment to manage this natural byproduct. Read more on their process at aquavitea.com.
Certified Organic

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