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9 oz

Organic Goat Chevre

9 oz

Pasteurized Goat Milk
This chevre is light, creamy and mild in flavor with just a bit of tang. A delightful soft cheese on it's own or tossed in a salad.

Ingredients: Pasteurized organic goats milk, cheese culture, sea salt, animal rennet
Storage Tips

Store in it's plastic container in the refrigerator.

From our customers

January 18, 2022 by

January 17, 2021 by

so creamy and smooth!! Lovely flavor...great on bread, also melts beautifully on my homemade pizza

July 26, 2020 by

Better than the chèvre in French fromageries. Smooth and ever so slightly tart, with a creamy texture that you just spread like butter. Excellent

July 19, 2017 by

This goat cheese is amazing. Creamy yet crumbly, so flavorful, and a little goes a long way. I actually received this as a substitute for feta which I had been ordering regularly, but I think I've been converted.

November 3, 2016 by

Absolutely delicious goat cheese. The only problem... you will be spoiled forever and you will never want store bought again.

Meal Suggestions

Does' Leap, East Fairfield, VT

Does' Leap is a diversified organic farm located in the heart of the beautiful green mountains in northern Vermont. They specialize in a variety of fresh and aged goat cheeses, all made from their own goats milk.
Their goats, a combination of Alpine and Alpine-Nubian cross, forage on the local browse and grass during the majority of the year, and are given supplemental hay, alfalfa and organic grain during the winter months. The milk from these goats is characteristic of their diverse diet- rich and sweet.
Certified Organic