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Heirloom Lamb Abbey Pearmain Apple

Small with light green skin and a reddish-orange blush, Lamb Abbey Pearmain is one of the most delightful apples in the world. Zesty, sweet and lively with a hint of tropical flavors, and the perfect size for a lunch box or snack.

Storage Tips

Store in the refrigerator.

From our customers

November 7, 2014 by

Love the heirloom apples! So much more taste and complexity than the store bought varieties, and a great change from our standard go-to Mac's, which are often the easiest to find locally grown. Not every apple has been a hit, but we've loved most of what we've tried over the last two years. Cox's Orange Pippin, Esopus Spitzenburg, Roxbury Russet, Rhode Island Greening, and Ashmead's Kernel (we really missed these this year!) were all outstanding in different ways. You kinda have to love apples with names that sound like show dogs or indie label album titles. Thank you for sharing these!

October 9, 2014 by

Not every heirloom apple I've had is good -- but Cox's Orange Pippin is a winner. Firm and crunchy, more tart than sweet, but well balanced. This is one to reorder every week it's available.

October 4, 2014 by

Oh man, those are some good apples.

November 8, 2013 by

We love the chance to try all the heirloom apple varieties! Not one bad apple, we have enjoyed them all. Thankful they are eco grown as well.

Scott Farm, Dummerston, VT

Eco-Apple Certified
Lamb Abbey, England, 1800s