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A Farmer's Perspective


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Greg Georgaklis
February 27, 2023

March is a magical time in Vermont, with the sun shining brightly and the light taking on a golden hue. Sugaring season is a time for community and connection, as well as a time to support the skillful craftspeople who take immense pride in their art. At Farmers To You, we are proud to partner with Ray Lewis of Square Deal Farm, a certified organic maple syrup producer who produces some of the purest and most delicious syrup. Let's come together and support good food, community, and craftsmanship with Farmers To You!

The Good Food Life

The good food life The good food life

The Good Food Life

Greg Georgaklis
February 3, 2023

Welcome to the good food life! When family and friends come together around lovingly grown and prepared food, it’s a magical experience. I experienced this first hand during the holidays, despite a power outage and chaos in the house. Join me as I share my story of how the good food life brought us all closer together and inspired me to cherish it even more.

Embracing the Season of Introspection

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Embracing the Season of Introspection

Greg Georgaklis
December 2, 2022

Eating regionally and seasonally goes beyond the act of eating what is available—there is a deep logic and benefit behind it. The foods available at this time of year specifically provide the kind of deep nutrition that our bodies need to fuel the high energy demands of introspection.

Food For All

Fall basket Fall basket

Food For All

Greg Georgaklis
September 23, 2022

Our mission here at Farmers To You is to build a healthy regenerative regional food system by connecting families with farmers. And we further intend to make this food and connection available to all, regardless of income. 

Back to School Nutrition

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Back to School Nutrition

Greg Georgaklis
August 18, 2022

As the school year begins, let us help you prepare your children to get the most out of their education. By feeding them clean and farm fresh foods, they will be ready to absorb all there is to know!