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16 oz

Organic Mellow Red Miso

16 oz

Slightly saltier than the Sweet White Miso (as a result of being cooked longer), this red miso works well anywhere you need a flavor boost. Great for a clearer soup broth; adds body and umami to any sauce or dressing..

Certified organic soybeans, certified organic rice koji (rice, Aspergillus culture), unrefined sea salt, sea vegetable.
Storage Tips

Keep refrigerated

Meal Suggestions

Rhapsody Natural Foods, Cabot, VT

Miso is the miracle food of the 21st century, yet ancient in origin. A hearty, high protein fermented soy food, miso aids digestion and assimilation, reduces salt intake by adding flavor, is a key ingredient in low-fat cooking, and alkalizes and detoxifies our blood. It comes in a wide range of flavors and intensities: from sweet white miso to salty and black hacho miso.
Like all fermented soy foods, miso is completely different from its original ingredient soy. The fermentation process transforms the soy beans into a new food. We age our miso in oak barrels and use water drawn from our deep well. The soybeans are grown within a 100 mile radius and cooked with kombu-seaweed to add phyto-nutrients and minerals. The Celtic sea salt we use comes from traditional salt farmers using ages-old methods of harvesting and drying (for more info: Celtic sea salt).
Certified Organic