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Grassfed Brisket

The brisket is of the lower chest section and is excellent smoked, brined or braised. Slow cooked Brisket is a great value as well as chock full of flavor.

Storage Tips

Enjoy within 5 days or freeze for later use.
Farmers to You orders beef by the whole animal and it arrives fresh to us. On weeks when we receive a fresh beef delivery you will receive cuts that are fresh, not frozen. On weeks when we do not receive a new order your beef will be sent frozen, beginning the thawing process while en route to you and can continue the thawing process in your fridge and be enjoyed within a week. The beef can be refrozen if desired without compromising the quality of the meat. Check our Friday newsletter for fresh beef updates.

Meal Suggestions

Almanack Farm, Chelsea, VT

Almanack Farm raises pasture-finished, grassfed Angus and Wagyu x Angus beef. All of their animals live on hill pastures and enjoy rotational grazing, moving frequently to new forage. Good pasture management results in healthy animals, healthy land, and flavorful, high-quality meat. And because they regularly handle their cattle, herd management is low-stress and the herd docile and content. Though not certified organic, organic methods are adhered to and absolutely no chemical fertilizers are used.