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Wood-fired Tomato & Cheese Pizza

This is a classic tomato and cheese pizza baked in a wood-fired oven. Perfect for an easy dinner, these are fully cooked and ready to reheat and serve!
Serves approximately 2 -4 people.

Crust: organic wheat flour, organic wheat flakes, yeast, salt, well water Toppings:organic tomatoes, organic garlic, organic olive oil, organic oregano, Parmigiano Reggiano and whole milk mozzarella
Storage Tips

Pizzas are baked on the farm and delivered fresh. Refrigerate and consume or freeze by the date indicated on the label – they are already in freezer bags.

Field Stone Farm, Northfield, VT

These wood-fired pizzas are hand tossed and hearth baked. There are no pans involved in the cooking, so the pizza gets the direct heat of the hearth.


October 22, 2020 by

Fantastic pre-made pizza! We added roasted red pepper, black olives, thinly sliced onion and small dollops of Doe's Leap goat cheese. When it came out of the oven I added some chopped fresh basil. The crust is thin and chewy, and flavor of sauce and cheese are tasty. With the my added toppings it put the pizza over the top. I went on your website. I hope you will add the butternut squash pizza to Farmers to you, It sounds so good. My son really loved it, and he is moving to Northfield VT this Saturday....Lucky guy!

March 19, 2020 by

This is the best pre-made pizza we've ever had! The crust reminded me of Area Four's crust (in Cambridge, MA) and that's a high compliment. Well done, yum!

May 5, 2019 by

My 9yo foodie's assessment: "It's so light and fluffy and flavorful, and the crust has a nice crunch."
What more endorsement do you need?

May 3, 2019 by

My 7 year old could live on pizza, but she is picky about it. She pronounced this "GREAT!" I hope to actually get a slice next time.

May 2, 2019 by

We love pizza and are particular about crust. This was the thickness we prefer, chewy. Not thin crust crackery, not thick and doughy. The tomato sauce tasted fresh and the cheese bubbled up nicely.