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appx. .5-1.2lbs

Grassfed Organic Tenderloin Steaks

appx. .5-1.2lbs

What can we say - this is the most tender cut of some of the best beef around. For very special occasions this will do the trick!

Storage Tips

Keep refrigerated and enjoy within 5 days or freeze for later use.
Farmers to You orders beef by the whole animal and it arrives fresh to us. On weeks when we receive a fresh beef delivery you will receive cuts that are fresh, not frozen. On weeks when we do not receive a new order your beef will be sent frozen, beginning the thawing process while en route to you and can continue the thawing process in your fridge and be enjoyed within a week. The beef can be refrozen if desired without compromising the quality of the meat. Check the weekly bounty in our Friday Newsletter for fresh beef updates.

River and Rail Farm, Troy, NY

This great beef is derived from Devon cattle, which are known for their good growth on grass only diets and overall hardy nature and deep beef flavor. The herd is rotationally grazed on grass spring through autumn and fed farm-harvested hay during the winter season. A special blend of minerals provided free choice to the herd mitigates the needs for medical intervention ensuring the beef lives its best life. In turn the beef produced has not only great flavor, but studies have shown grassfed beef have higher levels of heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids and CLAs.


February 19, 2021 by

Tender, so flavorful!!! One of the best Beef Tenderloin I have ever cooked and eaten!