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Pumpkin Soup

All you need is a pie pumpkin and a few other ingredients to prepare this classic, creamy and seasonal soup.


olive or butternut seed oil
1 medium onion, chopped
2 cloves minced garlic
2 inch piece of fresh ginger
1 pie pumpkin, peeled, deseeded and chopped
1 qrt chicken broth, or 1 qrt water with 2 T miso
1/4-1/3 cup heavy cream

Warm the oil in a dutch oven, then add the onion, some salt and red chili flakes.

When the onion has softened, add the ginger and garlic, and allow them to get fragrant.

Add the pumpkin to the pot, stir, and allow to cook for a few minutes.

When the pumpkin has deepened in color, add the broth and bring to a simmer.

When pumpkin is soft, after about 30 minutes, remove from the heat.

Use an immersion blender to make a smooth soup, or whiz in your blender.

Stir in some heavy cream, taste and adjust seasoning.

Garnish with pepitas, chopped fresh herbs and a dollop of skyr and serve with some crusty Waitsfield Common bread.