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Easy Weeknight: Sage Butter & Mushroom Pasta

A rich, flavorful pasta dish can be on the table in minutes using sage butter as your shortcut.


1/2 container sage butter (or more, depending on how rich you want it)
2 cloves garlic, minced
5-7oz chopped mushrooms
1/4 cup chopped walnuts
salt and red pepper flakes, to taste
1 lb pasta (tagliatelle makes a lush sauce even more special)
1/4 cup chevre, skyr, or heavy cream
1/4 or more of grated gouda
1/2 - 1 cup reserved pasta cooking water

Set a large pot of salted water on to boil for the pasta.

Melt the butter in a pan, then add the garlic, mushrooms and walnuts.

Season well with the salt and red pepper flakes.

When everything has softened and started to brown, lower the heat and add the chevre, skyr or cream.

Add 1/2 cup of the pasta cooking water, and mix.

Drain the pasta when a minute or so off al dente, making sure you have at least anouther 1/2 cup of cooking water reserved.

Add the pasta and grated gouda to the pan and gently mix everything together, adding more pasta water as you do, to make a glossy sauce.

Test for seasoning, then serve with a bright salad.