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Savouré Bristol, VT

Farmer/Producer Website

Jess Messer is an activist, a mother of three, and the head of Savouré. She is driven by her dream of spreading the beauty of Vermont and Québec through food while strengthening local food economies by creating delicious, thoughtful, handcrafted bubbly drinks that are made from real food grown where she lives. She works with area farmers and foragers. The herbs, fruit, and vegetables in Savouré products are local and organic to the extent possible. The whole food is used, in its unprocessed form; no extracts or essential oils or preservatives. It makes the process more expensive but yields a super tasty soda that is fresh and unique.
Savouré's new range of seltzers are made with with whole produce grown by their neighbor farmers, mostly from "farmer grade vegetables" that are too big, small, or ugly to sell, or parts of the vegetable usually composted (think carrot tops, fennel fronds, celery leaves) so this project carries on its initial mission as a way to reduce food waste.
Jess is also co-owner of Tandem, a Main Street production kitchen, event space, and tasting room in Bristol - you can come by any time the lights are on and try the latest flavours of Savouré on tap. Savouré is a team of two, Jess and her eldest child, Cyrus, ably aided by our amazing VT distributors and copackers, also small family businesses.

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