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Creek Valley Farm Irasburg, VT

Farmer/Producer Website

At Creek Valley Farm, their cheese starts with the cows. The cheesemaker and herdsperson, Lorinda Campbell (Rin) has always loved Jerseys. She treats them as family-- talking to them, teasing them, and giving them hugs. She jokes that she speaks two languages: English and Cow. Her small herd is mostly daughters of the same matriarch. 

When you have milk and like cheese, the next step is to learn to make cheese! Rin first made cheese in the kitchen; then as their herd grew, they built a small cheese plant and cave. Rin’s Farmstead Cheese from Creek Valley Farm features Jersey raw milk cheese and is produced in the rural town of Irasburg , Vermont-- a town of rolling hills, open pastures and fields interspersed with woods. As well as being loved, their cows always have access to the outdoors, and they enjoy being outside even in the winter. Creek Valley Farm practices rotational grazing and does not use chemical fertilizer on their pastures.

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