Roasted chestnuts are sweet and creamy, and unlike any other holiday treat.
Score the chestnuts: cut an X across the flat side.
Soak them: for at least a couple of hours.
When ready to roast them, preheat oven to 350.
Drain the chestnuts, and pat dry.
Spread in a single layer on a baking sheet or skillet, cut side up.
Bake for 30 - 35 minutes.
When they look like they're starting to peel open, remove the chesnuts from the oven.
Carefully dump them into a damp kitchen towel, and bring the ends of the towel together to form a bag.
Squeeze the chestnuts in the towel until you hear some crackling, then let them sit for 10 minutes.
Peel them while they're still a little hot - it makes removal of the interior, papery skin a little easier.