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Butternut, Ginger & Carrot Soup

Warming, healing and nourishing with just enough sweetness from the carrots that are coming out of the ground. Double the recipe and store it away in the freezer for a quick meal. Also delicious with sweet potatoes or any other winter squash instead of butternut.


1 butternut squash, peeled and cut into chunks
6 carrots, chopped
4 cloves garlic
1 thumb size piece (or larger) of fresh ginger
1 onion
1 qt chicken broth, vegetable stock or water
olive oil
salt & red chili flakes, and/or ground chipotle 
sour cream to finish, optional

Cover the bottom of a large stock/soup pot with oil and add diced onion and a bit of salt on low heat.

Cook 5-10 minutes until the onion becomes translucent.

Add garlic and ginger with salt and pepper to taste and cook another 5 min so the flavors blend.

Add the stock or water to the soup pot, then the carrots and squash. If the vegetables are not fully submerged, add just enough water to cover.

Bring to a boil and then simmer until the carrots are tender.

Using a potato masher, crush the cooked veg then blend to your preference. I usually like to blend half leaving some of the mashed carrots and squash for some texture.

At this point you can stir in something creamy if desired.