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Farmer Foodie Boston, MA

Farmer/Producer Website

Allison Elliot founded Farmer Foodie to share her lifelong passion for recipe creation and sustainable organic food. A vegetarian for over a decade, she had been unable to commit to veganism because she couldn't give up cheese. Eventually, she honed a recipe at home for dairy free cheese good enough to help her kick the cheese habit, and realized it should be shared with the world.

Consumer education around sustainable farming, eating, and living has always been a personal passion of Allison's and part of her professional career. She was the Education Director at McEnroe Organic Farm in Millerton, NY for nearly four years. While there, she managed a 1 acre garden with an unheated hoop house that had hundreds of plants, 14 egg laying hens, and goats. She ran a multi-month apprenticeship program and a seasonal Farm Kids program, hosted tour groups, and threw seasonal festivals.

Annually, the United States grocery channel emits 25% of refrigerants (hydrofluorocarbons), which can be up to 9,000 times more impactful than carbon dioxide. Farmer Foodie's Cashew Parm has lower environmental and economical costs since it's dry, shelf stable, made from clean organic ingredients, and Fair Trade organic cashews. Cashew trees are drought tolerant, create shade coverage, and sequester more carbon dioxide than they emit, making the trees, and therefore the cashews from them, carbon negative.

Products from Farmer Foodie