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Kale, Cranberry & Pear Salad

Quick to make, delicious to eat, and a beautiful dish for any table.


2 bunches kale
4 T vinegar - apple cider, white or maple balsamic 
2 T olive oil

1+ tsp salt
Freshly ground pepper to taste
½ cup dried cranberries
½ cup roasted sunflower seeds and/or pepitas
1 pear (2 Asian) or honeycrisp apple, thinly sliced

Remove the kale leaves from their stems and then roughly tear them into smaller pieces.

Pour vinegar over the kale, sprinkle with salt, and briefly massage the kale.

Let it sit for 10 minutes while you slice your apple or pear.

Add oil, pepper, pear and cranberries and mix to coat everything with dressing.

Sprinkle with seeds, test for seasoning, and serve.