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A Letter from Greg

2:13 ott digest
July 27, 2022
Greg Georgaklis

Dear Partner,

This summer I have had the opportunity to speak to many of you, and really listen to your feedback about Farmers To You. I have been deeply touched by the glowing and authentic appreciation for what we have created together, the food and our farmers. I have also noticed two main challenges that our families face:

  • Time—overbooked schedules, meeting the needs of increasingly busy children, and other related challenges.
  • Cost—of all food generally, but of Farmers To You food in particular.

As a partnership of families and farmers we understand that this model has to work for everyone—not just our staff, farmers and food producers. These past two years I have not listened carefully enough to our families, and for that I truly apologize.

Here is what we would like to offer all our present and past families, with the goal of making our partnership more affordable and convenient:

  • We will make Home Delivery FREE for all orders over $100 through September 11. Take picking up your food off your weekly to-do list, and instead arrive home to a full cooler of amazing Vermont food.
  • In partnership with our farmers, we will lower our pricing to help with your weekly food budget. Shop our new Best Value section for the same incredible freshness and quality you’ve relied on us for, but at prices more comparable to the supermarket. The Best Value selection will update weekly and seasonally.

We hope these changes will help you:

  • Order a bit more and with more frequency
  • Spread the word about all that Farmers To You has to offer (including the new opportunities for savings).

My hope is that these changes help make the FTY partnership an even more sustainable one for you and your family. As always, I thank you for your partnership and support! 

With humility and gratitude,
