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A Different Kind of Spring

April 10, 2020
Greg Georgaklis


As long as we can remember, the spring is a time of renewal and optimism. After a long winter in New England, the signs of spring raise our spirits. To state the obvious, this spring feels different. 

Yesterday, in our staff conversation, Christine Alaimo, of our Farmers To You Boston team, shared with us the intense experience for those picking up their food at Boston sites. She described the stress and vulnerability of our customers in this difficult time. It is typical of Christine to show care and compassion for our Farmers To You families and friends, but it was obvious this week that her concern for you is heightened. 

Christine, and the rest of us at Farmers To You, shared our yearning for how things used to be before this health crisis. Just a few weeks ago customers picked up their food, chatted with others who were doing the same, and excitedly received the week’s bounty. 

We want to express our understanding and apologize for your frustration with longer lines at pick up sites and less contact with site hosts than we’d like. We also want to thank our suppliers, drivers, site hosts and staff who are working at great risk to provide our Farmers To You community with good, healthy food to continue to nourish you. 

We look forward to returning to that Farmers To You experience and ask for your patience and compassion as we get through this difficult time. 

We know that together we will persevere because of the strength of our personal relationships with our customers and the farmers we work with. In-person connections are more difficult while maintaining six feet of distance from each other. We don’t see each other’s smiles when wearing masks. We look forward to a time when we can talk more about the benefits of black garlic, the unpredictability of Vermont’s weather and who you are cooking for. 

The CDC (https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html) continues to provide guidance and reports that there is no evidence to support transmission of COVID-19 associated with food. They suggest that, “before preparing or eating food it is important to always wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds for general food safety.”

Here are some additional protocols for pick up that will help with your safety and that of your fellow Farmers To You customers: 

  • Please do not come to the pick-up site if you are symptomatic of COVID-19
  • Wear a cloth mask and maintain a six-foot distance from others. 
  • Please come solo to pick-up if possible
  • Cover your cough or sneeze and wash your hands

We can assure you that spring is still upon us and the signs are clear for farmers across New England. We will all emerge from this health crisis just like asparagus — at first poking tentatively through the soil but then a relentless harvest.  

Please don’t hesitate to contact us and share your thoughts. 

Stay well,
The Team at Farmers to You


Photo by Yoksel 🌿 Zok on Unsplash