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Eco Asian Niitaka Pear


Niitakas are sweet like bourbon, caramel or vanilla and incredibly juicy. One of the best pears around.

Champlain Orchards, Shoreham, VT

Bill and Andrea at Champlain Orchards are committed to ecological practices and are Eco-Apple certified. Due to the challenges of our Northeast climate, organic certification of apples is incredibly difficult. Their apples are never sprayed; only in the flowering stage are the trees treated using Integrated Pest Management to cut down on the risk of scab. No chemical pesticides are used on the orchards.

Sweet and juicy
September 17, 2022 by

The Asian pears are sweet and juicy. They tend to be on the small side, (about 1.5 size a golf ball) but the skin is not as thick as the kind you get at the Asian supermarket, so it's fine to eat the skin. It makes a handy, easy snack to pack for my kids.

January 10, 2020 by

These had great flavor! Sometimes Asian pears are quite watery, but not these--just nice and juicy. They are pretty small--my kids usually eat two.