Fourteen years ago, I moved to Vermont. My plan (you know how those go) was to find a farm and build an innovative new farming model that could serve as an example to young farmers. But then life happened, and Farmers To You happened, and now fourteen years later… I’ve finally found my farm!
The past 6 months have been fascinating. I am almost done making our house a welcoming place for friends and guests, and am just starting to envision how to restore the farmland to full abundance. It has been a wonderful journey, and what I am finding is that if I try to rush a decision or force a choice, it does not go well. Farming teaches us the important lesson that timing is key. If I wait patiently the right choice is revealed and the decision is easy!
My contractor—who is also my friend and former neighbor—often remarks how beautifully the house is turning out. Even when I make choices that he disagrees with, he often comes back and says, “Well I wouldn’t have done it that way, but I must say it looks perfect here!”
My real challenge will come this spring. Spring is always very difficult for me. I want to get everything done in a flurry of activity, and it does not turn out well. This farm is teaching me something very important… timing. I may never see this farm at its best. It will take a number of decades, and realistically I only have a few more of those left in me! Here is another lesson from working with the land: this work is multi-generational. The fruits of our labor will often be enjoyed by our children and grandchildren.
Farmers have a saying: you plant an orchard for your grandchildren.
It is a good and wise perspective. Imagine if all of us were working mostly for the betterment and abundance of our grandchildren, and that our grandparents had done the same. Just think of how much easier life would be!
Thank you for your partnership with Farmers To You. The impact of our community will be felt for generations to come.
With patience,