Oak Knoll Dairy Goat Milk is produced by Bridgman Hill Farm, a new partnership between renown cheesemakers Jasper Hill Farm and career goat farmers Ryan Andrus and Annie Rowden.
Keep refrigerated. Use within 2 weeks or by date on bottle.
Oak Knoll Dairy leverages a shared independent spirit and commitment to progressive farming practices to support their rural community and landscape. High animal care standards, a modern milking parlor, and meticulous practices, come together for pure, unprocessed products that naturally reflect a taste of place. The carefully managed herd of several hundred goats consists of three man breeds: saanen, alpine and lamancha. These traditional breeds perform well in a dairy environment, producing a balanced and versatile milk that is good for cheesemaking, yogurt production and bottling. Goats are fed a dry hay-based mixed ration that consists of New England grasses, blended with a carefully balanced grain pellet along with some hemp and molasses for palatability.