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Maple Miso Radishes

This is as much alchemy as it is a recipe; as you near the end of the cooking process, a sudden transformation takes place and what looked like a pan full of wet radishes becomes something rich, dark, and deeply flavorful.


2 T butter
1 bunch french breakfast radishes (though any type will do)
1 T maple syrup
1/2 cup water
2 T miso

Warm half of the butter in a cast iron pan over medium heat. 

Slice the radishes or cut into quarters, lengthwise, and wash and chop the greens, too, then set aside.

When the butter has melted, add the syrup, stir, and then add the radishes.

Mix and let them cook for a minute or two before pouring in the water.

Boost the heat to high and bring to a boil, then lower the heat.

Simmer for 5-6 minutes, then add the sliced greens. 

When most of the water has been absorbed, stir in the miso and the rest of the butter.

Continue to cook on medium-low until everything is dark and caramelized.