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Thanksgiving Blessing

November 17, 2017
Greg Georgaklis

(Photo: Kettle Song Farm, where your Brussels sprouts grow)

Thank you for being a part of this extraordinary community. Each week we all are changing our food — the way it is grown and the priority it takes in all our lives. The simple act of choosing what we value — for our families, our health, and our communities — has a profound effect. Your farmers are responding, your community is acting, and together we are making the world a little better every day. It feels good to know we are all making a difference in a world that is crying out for something much better than the current reality.

So this Thanksgiving week, take a moment just before you enjoy nature’s bounty to thank your community of families and farmers who work together to make this transformation possible. Give thanks for the incredible health-giving food, the deep craft and skill it takes to produce a splendid egg or a beautiful carrot, and the ever-growing relationships we are nurturing in this community all year.  Before your meal, cherish it all and enjoy.

Happy Thanksgiving

Greg and the team at Farmers To You