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Boldness and Persistence Build Community

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November 10, 2017
Greg Georgaklis

This is the last week of our fall community membership drive! We are so close to our goal of feeding 800 families a week — this week we fed a record-breaking 785 families.

I was in Boston Wednesday and Thursday and many of you shared how you’ve been spreading the word about our food, farmers and community and feeling a bit frustrated that more new families have not signed up. Thank you for all your hard work — really.  But this is long-term work, as we have seen during our six years of steady growth. Don’t hesitate to let them know that they still have till Sunday to take advantage of the gift of $35 you have given them!

As a sometimes professional-level procrastinator, I understand how hard it can be to begin a new task on a Sunday! And I always appreciate a gentle nudge and reminder.

So I have two requests:

  • Please continue to share your stories about how being part of this community we call Farmers To You has impacted your family, your food, and your connection to the farmers who feed you.
  • Reach back out to the people you have already contacted and given a gift to ask them if they are going to be able to use it before Sunday at midnight.  Free food with no strings attached!

By working together to build and grow this community of families and farmers we are changing far more than just where you get your food.

  • We are reconnecting rural and urban communities in a way that brings prosperity and abundance to both;
  • We are creating consistent demand for the food you really want and encouraging conscious and ecological farming practices that heal the earth rather than destroy it;
  • And we are supporting families on their journey to deepen and rediscover their food culture and bring the healing power of deeply nutritious food back into their homes.

Sometimes the simplest changes and actions can yield profound results.

Thank you for being part of this bold and audacious act of building our own regional food community.

With deep gratitude,

Greg and the team at Farmers To You