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Beautiful Gesture – Gift for All

July 17, 2017
Greg Georgaklis

What a beautiful gesture your donations were these last two weeks. Yesterday I dropped off 65 dozen eggs to the Barre Food Shelf.  That’s 780 eggs! And the look on their faces as they stood amidst the old bread and tired vegetables looking at our donation of extremely fresh eggs was amazing. Thank you for allowing me to be part of this gesture. Thank you for working with us to fulfill another part of our mission – to support ALL families in getting the freshest and cleanest food from local farms. So often quality food from local farms is labeled as a luxury and elitist, simply because it costs more to produce vital food consciously, ethically and cleanly. Figuring out a way where we all – families, farmers, and Farmers To You – can give families in need access to this food is an incredibly positive development. The cycle of poverty is a cruel one. One of the most insidious parts is that the food poorer families often have access to lacks the vitality and health components that they need most to give them the Herculean energy it takes to break out of the cycle of poverty.

We received $400 in donations last week and $500 in donations this week. I am so grateful to all of you who see how such a simple gesture can create so much abundance. These donations also helped our farmers by keeping up the demand for eggs last week. Demand goes down due to summer vacations, but your donations help the demand remain steady. Steady demand means these wonderful eggs do not go to waste.  Steady demand keeps production going so we have lots of eggs for you when you return.

It is always amazing how helping others helps us all. These donations also keep Farmers To You staff employed over the summer so they, too, will be ready to fill your orders in the fall.

Truly, my gratitude is for your partnership. Together we are building a wonderful movement to take back and reinvigorate our regional food system. Together we can create the kind of world we want – step by step, one family at a time, one farmer at a time.