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Full Moon Choices

Strawberry moon-800x400.jpg
June 9, 2017
Greg Georgaklis

Tonight brings us the Strawberry Full Moon. The spring full moon that speeds up and encourages the burst of growth and germination of all the seeds and plants that have been lined out in the fields of our partner farmers. The moon is responsible for the massive movement of water in the oceans that result in the high and low tides each day. It exerts a powerful influence wherever water is present, and in plants water is significantly present. With all the rain we have had this will be a particularly active impulse.

So many seemingly independent actions are connected and influence the whole in profound ways. The same is true for many of our choices and actions we make each day of our lives. When we choose to buy food in a conscious way – asking where it is from and how it is produced – it encourages transparency. When we patronize supermarkets or restaurants that give us only a minimum or no information about the food we purchase and eat we send the message that we are not truly concerned – and that transparency disappears.

The rules of economics are really pretty simple – the more we buy of something – the more we encourage the system that produces it. We buy inexpensive meat – we get an industrial system that compromises quality and health in exchange for cheap meat. If we buy ethically raised meat, from sources we know – the more we encourage that production. If just 10% of us changed the way we source our food – we would profoundly change the food system for the better. We hold the power – we are like the full moon – our presence and influence are ever-present – only we, unlike the moon, get to decide what to encourage and what to not. Weeds are plants after all and the Big Strawberry Full Moon will be encouraging their growth with the same vigor and vitality as the plants we want. Let’s bring our discernment to bear and focus our actions on growing what we want. We are the agents of change – let’s encourage and support more of what we want in the world.

With Gratitude,
